The Hope for Families and Children Foundation, Inc.
The Hope for Families and Children Foundation, Inc. is a not-profit 501(c) 3 charity Institution. Founded in 1989, our mission is to serve as the title holding corporation for capital assets and raise funds to sustain the Puerto Rican Family Institute’s goals of helping communities in need and committed to changing lives. The Foundation has a strong belief in the potential of people of all races and ethnic backgrounds to achieve their dreams and aspirations. Through its fund development efforts the Foundation ensures that the programs of the Puerto Rican Family Institute continue to meet present and future community needs preserving the essence of family integration, delivering respectful communications and promoting self-sufficiency models.

David Benítez
Hope For Families and Children Foundation
145 West 15th Street, 1st Floor
New York, New York, 10011
O. 212 924 6320